Thursday 8 March 2018

Dear Margaret at the ' Healing Rooms' saw my table in my room. It is one of the main and only pieces of furniture I have in my humble abode. On it is placed my devotionals and Bibles. It is where I sit in peace and meditate on God's WORD. Margaret sees a picture and is shown a vision of my table from God. She sees a similtude - a comparison in scripture verse with a similar (or different) area of life. Her verse for me shown by God is in Psalm 23- A table with everything you need. By Julie Ralphs

By Definition:-
''A “similitude” is an extended “figure” (simile, “Bildwort”)," and she sees similitude as a level before the “parable”.
A semblance; an image: a similitude of the truth, 4. a likening or comparison in the form of a simile, a parable, or an allegory. Thus God's “Believer Similitudes” are how God sees His people, His believers. "

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