A proof of one of the word(s) of knowledge given to the church elders to tell me at the Healing Rooms. Dear Lord, help me spread your fragrance, wherever I may go! Jesus gives words at the Healing Rooms for people.
Saturday, 10 December 2016
Saturday, 26 November 2016
a letter from my Director friend of my local Christian Healing Rooms
Hi Julie,
Yes Graham Cooke is a great teacher and you would enjoy reading and learning from him. And as you stay close to Beloved Jesus, you will hear His voice, and not listen to the voice of strangers, as Jesus said. Yes psychics and others do hear voices too from the dark realm, but as you know the devil is a counterfeit, a liar and a deceiver. He will copy what our good Father has given to us. And now that you belong to Jesus you can keep close to Him and hear His voice. The secular world doesn't understand all of this. but Jesus does, and Holy Spirit will guide you.
" Most assuredly I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs in some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the doorkeeper opens and the sheep hear his voice and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers." John 10:1-5.
Graham Cooke can probably give you better teaching than I can, but from these verses it seems that Jesus is saying that we who are His sheep, will know his voice. We may hear the voice of strangers, but will not listen to or follow them, Don't you love what Jesus says, that he calls us by NAME, He knows your name Julie! You are special to Him..
So bless you Julie is your walk with Beloved Jesus, as you stay close in His presence, just as Elisha listened to God and heard so clearly from Him.
With love and blessings,
Friday, 25 November 2016
he heard the kings most private words in his spirit
I'm reading about Elisha in ''Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior- An interactive journal', by Graham Cooke. page 19.
'In 2 kings 6, he single handedly stopped the king of Syria from defeating Israel. The Prophet kept receiving words of knowledge about the Syrian's plan.''
A little like the words of knowledge we received for me at the local Healing Rooms by Beloved Jesus in the spiritual battles over my mother. Elisha's close relationship with God made him privy to the plans of the enemy. He heard the most private words of the king in his spirit, like I hear Jesus and a wicked relative's schemes.
''Elisha even knew what was being said in secret meetings in the king's palace bedroom, as we read in 2 kings 6:8-9, 11-12:
Now the king of Syria was making war against Israel; and he consulted with his servants, saying ''My camp will be in such and such a place.'' And the man of God sent to the king of Israel, saying, ' Beware that you do not pass this place, for the Syrians are coming down there.'
Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was greatly troubled by this thing; and he called his servants and said to them, '''Will you not show me which of us is for the king of Israel?" And one of the servants said, " None my lord, o king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.''

'In 2 kings 6, he single handedly stopped the king of Syria from defeating Israel. The Prophet kept receiving words of knowledge about the Syrian's plan.''
A little like the words of knowledge we received for me at the local Healing Rooms by Beloved Jesus in the spiritual battles over my mother. Elisha's close relationship with God made him privy to the plans of the enemy. He heard the most private words of the king in his spirit, like I hear Jesus and a wicked relative's schemes.
''Elisha even knew what was being said in secret meetings in the king's palace bedroom, as we read in 2 kings 6:8-9, 11-12:
Now the king of Syria was making war against Israel; and he consulted with his servants, saying ''My camp will be in such and such a place.'' And the man of God sent to the king of Israel, saying, ' Beware that you do not pass this place, for the Syrians are coming down there.'
Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was greatly troubled by this thing; and he called his servants and said to them, '''Will you not show me which of us is for the king of Israel?" And one of the servants said, " None my lord, o king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.''

a word in season
An excerpt of an sms text message from my beloved Christian brother Bruce Goodall, who was a Deacon and like a Pastor to a flock of His lambsies. Jesus says in the Bible to His Disciples - ' Feed my Flock'.
Bruce wrote to me:- " Dear Julie, your peace of mind must be anchored to what God's WORD says to you and not what anyone else says to you. I believe that you will grow robust and strong as you do the relaxed verbal affirmation exercises I have described to you. The soft sensitive flower that wilts whenever contrary winds blow, will grow strong like a sunflower that turns its face towards the Sun (Son), regardless of any breeze, and follows the radiant Sun as it tracks across the Heavens. God bless you dear Julie.''
Bruce wrote to me:- " Dear Julie, your peace of mind must be anchored to what God's WORD says to you and not what anyone else says to you. I believe that you will grow robust and strong as you do the relaxed verbal affirmation exercises I have described to you. The soft sensitive flower that wilts whenever contrary winds blow, will grow strong like a sunflower that turns its face towards the Sun (Son), regardless of any breeze, and follows the radiant Sun as it tracks across the Heavens. God bless you dear Julie.''
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
I had been told by my beloved Christian friend that I ' need to spend time to build up my self- worth after my parent's years of abuse. I attended my local Christian Healing Rooms and asked beloved Jesus in prayer to kindly give a word to the church elder for me, and low and behold Jesus gave a word to my Director friend of the Healing Rooms to tell me. It was the scriptural word in Jeremiah 31 verses 3 and 4- " It says God will rebuild me.' I thank my Beloved Jesus! happy dance
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
I attended my local Healing Rooms on October '16.
Here are some notes from the church elders in the session:-
Is 54:17 AMP
Eph 6:10-18 AMP Armour
You are in Jesus- His blood covers you, Jesus became a curse so you will not be cursed- He broke the power of the curse for you.
You are my beautiful child Jesus says.
Sharon said ' I am the righteousness of Christ'. Declare this. Don't have to keep declaring it over and over to a situation. The WORD of God stands and is active and working.
Don't fear. I said I was such a silly lamb jokingly. Elders said they found me as a fearful lamb that day.
Elders said- ' Don't give your mother's words ' voice'- no power.
Don't attribute power to them.
Here are some notes from the church elders in the session:-
Is 54:17 AMP
Eph 6:10-18 AMP Armour
You are in Jesus- His blood covers you, Jesus became a curse so you will not be cursed- He broke the power of the curse for you.
You are my beautiful child Jesus says.
Sharon said ' I am the righteousness of Christ'. Declare this. Don't have to keep declaring it over and over to a situation. The WORD of God stands and is active and working.
Don't fear. I said I was such a silly lamb jokingly. Elders said they found me as a fearful lamb that day.
Elders said- ' Don't give your mother's words ' voice'- no power.
Don't attribute power to them.
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Hearing spriritually
As a person who has suffered schizophrenia can tell you, they often hear voices, but mine was a kind of passivity phenomena. Mine was more of a spiritual schizophrenia, where channeling came to life. (Although, I don't consult psychics and I don't practice channeling myself. I have never done channeling, tarot cards, wiggi board or witchcraft as that is against my Christian faith and is of the occult). I would pensively think of somebody and felt like there was some spirit- to spirit communication happening. Of course my mother had unwisely consulted psychics and this is a sin and I told her it is against the church and she said she could read me 'like a book' and felt she was psychic, and often read me correctly, so maybe familiar spirits may have been around me because of her sin of consulting psychics and maybe I was under some form of psychic attack, whereby I felt sick with heightened intuition. I was sick because of my parent's sin. (Consulting psychics is said to be witchcraft in the Bible and forbidden by God and my parent would often curse me verbally with words too. I felt I could hear and see in the spiritual realm after my sibling died, and I suddenly heard my mother's voice in the tape of her verbal abuse. Although, I was mentally well before my brother passed away). Of course, psychics hear and see in the spiritual realm and so could Jesus. When Jesus healed the demon possessed man, he cast out the demons into some swine herd/ pigs and all the townsfolk heard the demons shreak and talk back in the spiritual realm.Often schizophrenics used to be said to be demon possessed, maybe as they could hear as did Jesus in the spiritual realm. Jesus talked to His Father i heaven in prayer and He heard His father. I have prayed and talked to Jesus and He has answered my prayers with several words of knowledge to the church elders to tell me at the Christian Healing Rooms. I have heard Jesus speak to me spiritually as well.........
There was a Christian Pastor and his wife that I met and they talked and ministered to me. They had been missionaries in Africa ministering to and converting witch doctors to Christians. They shared with me that they had met on a dream. The good Lord had showed the Pastor on a dream vision, where to meet his wife at a a cafe at the University campus. On his way home he later was told to buy a watch with the name Rebecca engraved in it from the Duty Free shop. They ministered to me as I said there was some channeling with words coming true on my dreams/ thoughts. I told them I believe I had familiar spirits around/ about me from my mother's sin of consulting clairevoyents. My mother was rather psychic and always told me she " read me like a book'. Because of their experience in converting and healing the witch doctors, the Pastor and his wife believed me about the channeling and my spiritual dreams and premonitions and the so called spiritual schizophrenia. They prayed over me.
On another note, there was an occult couple that had met on a dream. A dark Satanist LOrd had met his witch wife on a dream also I read.
Many years ago, I prayed to Beloved Jesus for a husband and then I saw a live dream- vision of a spiritual manifestation of my future Palestinian hubby and he saw me on dream vision to. We later both saw me dressed on dream as snow white with 7 dwarfs. I had always wished to meet my hubby on a dream after the confession of the Pastor at Christian Outreach and it later came true and and I met my hubby on a dream. A true story By Julie
There was a Christian Pastor and his wife that I met and they talked and ministered to me. They had been missionaries in Africa ministering to and converting witch doctors to Christians. They shared with me that they had met on a dream. The good Lord had showed the Pastor on a dream vision, where to meet his wife at a a cafe at the University campus. On his way home he later was told to buy a watch with the name Rebecca engraved in it from the Duty Free shop. They ministered to me as I said there was some channeling with words coming true on my dreams/ thoughts. I told them I believe I had familiar spirits around/ about me from my mother's sin of consulting clairevoyents. My mother was rather psychic and always told me she " read me like a book'. Because of their experience in converting and healing the witch doctors, the Pastor and his wife believed me about the channeling and my spiritual dreams and premonitions and the so called spiritual schizophrenia. They prayed over me.
On another note, there was an occult couple that had met on a dream. A dark Satanist LOrd had met his witch wife on a dream also I read.
Many years ago, I prayed to Beloved Jesus for a husband and then I saw a live dream- vision of a spiritual manifestation of my future Palestinian hubby and he saw me on dream vision to. We later both saw me dressed on dream as snow white with 7 dwarfs. I had always wished to meet my hubby on a dream after the confession of the Pastor at Christian Outreach and it later came true and and I met my hubby on a dream. A true story By Julie
Saturday, 11 June 2016
I was admitted to Hospital the other day and I was very very poorly, but I prayed to Jesus for healing and He healed me of my ailments and He came to me in a dream with an adorable sloth and told me I am healed. A sloth is a beautiful creature of God and I often talked to my child about them and we laugh. Just shows me that God really sees and hears everything and heard me even talking and laughing about this creature to my child. He obviously thought it would be sweet to come to me in a dream with this animal lol.
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Hello Princess Julie,
Thinking about our conversation yesterday and re-reading your email, I have been reminded of John 16:33, when Jesus is talking to his disciples. “I have said this to you, that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble, but be of good courage, I have overcome the world.” Jesus is saying that in this world you will have trouble, but Jesus is in control and He will give you the courage to stand firm, and overcome. So I am praying that God will also give you the wisdom to know what to do. You don’t need to make a decision straight away, but He will clearly guide you, and give you courage, as you look to Him and trust in Him.
There is great power in blessing; so I invite you to bless your mother despite what is happening.
Just say out loud, as a prayer, (but in your room where no one else can hear you) - “I bless my mother, to know Jesus and His love, I bless her mouth to speak words of grace. I bless her to become all that You God designed her to be. In Jesus’ Name. Amen”
And I bless you Julie as you do this, and I bless your ears to hear His voice and His words of love to you. I bless your relationship with H....., as you grow in love for each other. I bless the future that He has designed for you. I bless you to know just how much you are loved by Father God. In Jesus Name…
With love and blessings
With love and blessings
Monday, 4 April 2016
The most needy of His flock
We should never neglect the most needy of His flock- 'the ragamuffins- bedraggled, beaten up, and burnt out, the homeless bums'. That's why I talk to Jesus about the needy lambs like I was after I suffered from abuse. 'The Father God beckons us needy lambs of His flock with ' a furious love' The needy people need lots of love and compassion, not negative criticism. I'm reading ' The Ragamuffin Gospel', by Brennan Manning.
Sunday, 3 April 2016
books that help build self-esteem
Yes, the lovely little story about 'Pollyanna', by Eleanor H. Porter really resonates with me and Jesus encourages me to read books like this to help me learn how to cope after a trial or a difficult season, as I was mentally and emotionally abused for years and it helps build a healthy self-esteem in me. In the story as you may know, Pollyanna's father is a Pastor and he teaches her to play the ' glad game'. 'The game was to just find something about everything to be glad about.' pg 36.
Furthermore, I am reading a book by Christian Author Philip Keller" Lessons From a Sheep Dog. It is another book that helps teach me and build my self-esteem. 'Woven through this simple parable is the profound spiritual truth that, just like Lass, we can be transformed into the magnificent beings we were created to be, if we will simply listen and obey the Master's voice.' The true story of transforming love.
''When Lass the sheep doggy came to live on the sheep ranch at Fairwinds, she was anything but. She was gaunt, angry and seemingly untrainable- a product of years in the hands of an unloving master. " "Phillip Keller tells of those first tense weeks with Lass and allows us to see Lass's dramatic transformation from a scrawny, enraged animal into the strong, vibrant worker she was bred to be. Through Keller's unwavering patience and love, Lass learned the lessons of trust, obedience, faithfulness and discipline. "
''When Lass the sheep doggy came to live on the sheep ranch at Fairwinds, she was anything but. She was gaunt, angry and seemingly untrainable- a product of years in the hands of an unloving master. " "Phillip Keller tells of those first tense weeks with Lass and allows us to see Lass's dramatic transformation from a scrawny, enraged animal into the strong, vibrant worker she was bred to be. Through Keller's unwavering patience and love, Lass learned the lessons of trust, obedience, faithfulness and discipline. "
I always tried not to hurt people with words, and follow Jesus example and say only loving words to others, that encourage and edify and build others up. As I was hurt by words from a relative that sadly cruelly and mentally and verbally abused me with words for years. We should always say only loving words to others like Jesus and speak well of others and praise them much. As it says in scripture, there is life and death in the tongue an in the words we speak to each other.
Jesus speaks only what He hears His Father say, He says. He speaks only loving words, that encourage, edify and build others up. In scripture it tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 " Therefore encourage one another. Build up one another. Always say loving and edifying words like Jesus and never hurt others with words By Julie Ralphs
Friday, 1 April 2016
on schizophrenia and hearing from Jesus and the spiritual realm
I'm not sure why people who suffer from schizophrenia are often demonised and parodied. It is an illness with a spiritual side, and can be a spiritual illness. They often thought people who heard voices were demon possessed and they demonised anyone suffering from the illness. My cherished Christian friend who suffered from chronic schizophrenia, told me he heard legions of voices. My father tried to say that i suffered from a delusion of being ' an institutor of spiritual things' or ' an arbitrator of spiritual things', but no the truth was I could really hear things from the spiritual realm and also hear the good LORD Jesus too. I thought at one stage during the height of my illness, that there was some familiar spirits around me from a relatives sin of regularly consulting clairvoyents. I thought this was causing premonitions, spiritual dreams and psychic attack and claireaudience in me, I went to the Christian Healing Rooms in Brisbane and I asked them to pray for my beloved teacher from my convent college, who was my friend after college as she was dying of breast cancer, and I discussed that there could be some channeling in my dreams and it sempt like spirit- to spirit communication. So the church elders prayed for my Teacher and friend and me. I had prayed a week before going about my sick womb, but did not mention it as it had healed. The church elders prayed and cut soul ties in all my relationships and low and behold, the church elder said Jesus is speaking to her and He told her to tell me ' Tell her, (Julie Ralphs)-" your womb and all its tendrils are healed". So awesome to hear from God. Dear LORD, help me spread your fragrance, wherever, I may go!
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Dear Julie, So sad for you to be losing your good friend Amber Rose, but at least we do not grieve as those who have no hope – You can rejoice that Amber knows Jesus, and you can also know that Amber will be rejoicing in the Presence of Her Beloved Jesus, and there will be a great party going on – and one day It will be your turn too to also meet Jesus and be having a party of your own with Jesus and all those who have gone before you.
With much love and blessings
.........My beloved Director friend of my local (Christian) Healing Rooms.
With much love and blessings
.........My beloved Director friend of my local (Christian) Healing Rooms.
Amber told me that she believed I'd heard from Jesus, when I confided and told her Jesus' words to me ' that a man should always pray in secret for his wife'.In the Bible, it alludes to Jesus as the Bridegroom and the Believer and the church as the Bride of Christ. And Jesus will come for His Bride, the church, in the second coming.
My dear ..............., Amber's beloved Goddaughter and I are so comforted in knowing that Amber is happy sitting on the knee of Jesus on the throne of Heaven, whilst He tells her stories about her life and about her relatives. Moreover, Amber rests in her loving eternal home with Jesus and Father God in His many mansions, with a peace, love and joy that surpasses all understanding. To be called from the grave and tomb later, and resurrected when Beloved Jesus comes in the second coming. To live with Jesus in a paradise on earth, where the lamb lies down with the lion and Jesus reigns for thousands of years. There will be a new heaven made by Father God and a new earth.heart emoticon By Julie Ralphs
Dear friends, In the 6 century BCE the Israelite prophet Daniel correctly interpreted one of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar's dreams as predicting the monarch's seven years of madness (Daniel 4: 535). Another Israelite Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt, rose to a position of power by correctly interpreting pharoah's dream foretelling seven plentiful and seven lean years in the ancient kingdom (Genesis 41: 138). My arabic hubby and i met on a dream vision with me dressed as snow white with 7 dwarfs lol. We were married 7 years. Wonder what that means lol. Much love, Julie xx
Hello Princess Julie,
Be encouraged….this is as I see it. Snow white was a princess, as you are. The seven dwarfs, could represent seven lean years. And as the King was restored after seven years, and praised the God of heaven, you are now the princess who praises the God of heaven, and He has much in store for you in the future. You are walking into new freedom and new life in Him, recording the greatness of our God, His love and mercy, telling forth His praises!
With love and much blessing
Be encouraged….this is as I see it. Snow white was a princess, as you are. The seven dwarfs, could represent seven lean years. And as the King was restored after seven years, and praised the God of heaven, you are now the princess who praises the God of heaven, and He has much in store for you in the future. You are walking into new freedom and new life in Him, recording the greatness of our God, His love and mercy, telling forth His praises!
With love and much blessing
a week before attending my local Healing Rooms, I prayed to beloved jesus saying that my beloved friend Amber had sent me an 'Everyday with Jesus' daily devotional in a handpainted card and on this stormy sea cover it had Jesus' words ' In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.' I talked to Jesus about this out loud in prayer, then a week later went to the Healing Rooms and humbly asked Jesus for a word. The church elders prayed for my prayer requests in the throne room and then Coral told me she had a word for me from Jesus. he said Tell her (me Julie Ralphs), I am the overcomer of all your problems, Tell Her (me) If she walks with me I will overcome with her. Here is a photo of the word of knowledge as evidence on the board at my local Healing rooms with the other miracles and healing testimonies.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Friday, 11 March 2016
the first word of knowledge given
my very first word of knowledge given by Beloved Jesus to the church elder to tell me Julie Ralphs at the Brisbane Healing Rooms in 2003-The Father Jesus had given the Church lady 'at the Brisbane Healing Rooms a word of knowledge' for me in May 2003. ( After my healing from type 1 diabetes and blindness). I think it's awesome that after praying a week and using gesticulation in my prayer to my Father Jesus about my sick womb, that he heard my prayers and told the Church elder lady at the Bne Healing Rooms, a 'word of knowledge' to tell me. My Father Jesus told her to tell me 'your womb and all its tendrils are healed'. I think about his beloved words everyday, and it strengthens my faith.
I was thinking about the figurative language my Dear Father Jesus uses in his spoken words. The word ' tendrils' are just like roots that are firmly fixed to the earth by their tendrils. O Tendril whose Bud shall not wilt! ..It is very beautiful language that my beloved Father Jesus used to tell the lady for me. Often the fruit of thy womb Jesus is used with reference to Mother Mary and baby Jesus.
Observe, the word ' tendril' that Our Father Jesus uses. Significantly, an analogy would be a tendril of a root of a vine or plant bound to the earth. Jesus is the life of the vine - His disciples the tendrils that will become fruitful branches, becoming ever more incorporated into the Vine.
In the discourse, as the psalm, The Father is the Gardener, and he prunes fruit-bearing branches, in order to make them MORE fruitful.
The "word of knowledge" verse by my Father Jesus to the Church Elder lady alludes figuratively to the uterus just like roots that are firmly fixed to the earth by their tendrils. ... While referring to the tendrils in the mother's womb, ...
`'and we must note that the Scriptures reflect that the word "Father" whose spiritual tendrils are still very active today throughout our world in ... that He constructed Himself,wove it together inside of Mary's womb to be .... many passages and stories in the Bible,including their inner sense'.....
And it is Love being felt and flowing within our inner selfhood that does several great things: it creates a warm, lush seedbed within our minds wherein the external truths of life and religion may take root and grow; it enables us to BE spiritually connected with the Lord God (like a branch on a vine), as opposed to being consciously separated from the Lord (like being at arms length with our Creator); and this is a major biggie too!, love that is moving and warming us from deep inside actually opens our minds toward God's Word, especially toward the vital inner meaning flowing inside of the more obvious literal sense; and finally, it is love (instead of truth) that empowers us to fight against the many vicious attacks from the hells that want us to turn and move their way, away from what is good and true.
I was thinking about the figurative language my Dear Father Jesus uses in his spoken words. The word ' tendrils' are just like roots that are firmly fixed to the earth by their tendrils. O Tendril whose Bud shall not wilt! ..It is very beautiful language that my beloved Father Jesus used to tell the lady for me. Often the fruit of thy womb Jesus is used with reference to Mother Mary and baby Jesus.
Observe, the word ' tendril' that Our Father Jesus uses. Significantly, an analogy would be a tendril of a root of a vine or plant bound to the earth. Jesus is the life of the vine - His disciples the tendrils that will become fruitful branches, becoming ever more incorporated into the Vine.
In the discourse, as the psalm, The Father is the Gardener, and he prunes fruit-bearing branches, in order to make them MORE fruitful.
The "word of knowledge" verse by my Father Jesus to the Church Elder lady alludes figuratively to the uterus just like roots that are firmly fixed to the earth by their tendrils. ... While referring to the tendrils in the mother's womb, ...
`'and we must note that the Scriptures reflect that the word "Father" whose spiritual tendrils are still very active today throughout our world in ... that He constructed Himself,wove it together inside of Mary's womb to be .... many passages and stories in the Bible,including their inner sense'.....
And it is Love being felt and flowing within our inner selfhood that does several great things: it creates a warm, lush seedbed within our minds wherein the external truths of life and religion may take root and grow; it enables us to BE spiritually connected with the Lord God (like a branch on a vine), as opposed to being consciously separated from the Lord (like being at arms length with our Creator); and this is a major biggie too!, love that is moving and warming us from deep inside actually opens our minds toward God's Word, especially toward the vital inner meaning flowing inside of the more obvious literal sense; and finally, it is love (instead of truth) that empowers us to fight against the many vicious attacks from the hells that want us to turn and move their way, away from what is good and true.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
a word in season
My dear friend at church shared a word today for me-' Love pays no attention to a suffered wrong' AMP version. These are Beloved Jesus' words. Thus, if someone hurts or abuses you, continue loving them.
Monday, 7 March 2016
not involved in the occult
Dear Princess of Jesus .........,
I would just like to mention, that I have never done witchcraft or channeling myself, and I have always been a good faithful loving servant of Beloved Jesus. I have never done wiggi board or tarot card and I have never communicated with spirits of the dead and never practised channeling spirits. And Beloved Jesus has given words of knowledge to the church elders at the Brisbane and my local (Christian) Healing Rooms through the church elders to tell me. Also, I have had words from Jesus myself. However, my mother consulted psychics regularly in the past and I presumed that there were familiar spirits from her sin causing me to have psychic attack and have premonitions and hear clairaudiently sometimes. But I'm not sure, sometimes the penial gland at the back of the head is more open with some people and they can hear from the spiritual realm I was told. I try never to see psychics myself. I am a good living Christian and have heard from Jesus.
Love you dearly. Please let me know you read this please and reassure meI am a good Christian, as I try so hard, praying to the father and I have never been involved in the occult. Thank you dear beloved beautiful .........
Much love and blessings,
Sunday, 6 March 2016
letter from my Director friend from the Healing Rooms
Dear Julie, So sad for you to be losing your good friend Amber Rose, but at least we do not grieve as those who have no hope – You can rejoice that Amber knows Jesus, and you can also know that Amber will be rejoicing in the Presence of Her Beloved Jesus, and there will be a great party going on – and one day It will be your turn too to also meet Jesus and be having a party of your own with Jesus and all those who have gone before you.
With much love and blessings
Amber told me that she believed I'd heard from Jesus, when I confided and told her Jesus' words to me ' that a man should always pray in secret for his wife'.
With much love and blessings
Amber told me that she believed I'd heard from Jesus, when I confided and told her Jesus' words to me ' that a man should always pray in secret for his wife'.
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Our Bridegroom Beloved Jesus and the Bride the Church
I was praying to Beloved Jesus one day, and talking to God about the adultery of my father and saying that a lot of men are of the flesh and have affairs in relationships. We were discussing how a loving husband should be and the Lord spoke to me and said " A man should always pray in secret for his wife." Dear LORD, help me spread your fragrance, wherever, I may go! Jesus' words to me line up with the Word of god in scripture too. Moreover, in the Bible, it tells us that Beloved Jesus is the Bridegroom and the Believer is His Bride of the church and part of the Body of Christ. In the book of Revelations, it tells us that Jesus will come again in the second coming for the church, His bride and the believers and resurrect the dead. By Julie Ralphs
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Hi Princess Julie
First of all I am no expert on the subject, I do not have any qualifications whatsoever, and you must understand that what I am saying is based on what I have read in the Bible.
Firstly we do hear the voice of Beloved Jesus. He says, “My sheep hear my voice.” He also said “The voice of a stranger they will not follow.” So some of the voices you hear could be from sources other than Jesus. We are also warned against communicating with the spirits of the dead. As you would recall, Saul was given that warning.
So I would say, “Listen to Beloved Jesus, and have nothing else to do with other voices. Jesus will tell you the truth, He will bless and lift up. He will tell of the Father, and all He says will agree with what God says in His Word. Jesus said, “I say only what I hear My Father speak.” The enemy can quote scripture too, as we know, but what Jesus says will always be edifying and building up.
I hope this helps, but you need to ask Holy Spirit for yourself, and He will show you from His Word.
With love and blessings
M....... my cherished Director friend of the Christian Healing Rooms
spiritual malaise or heightened intuition
Have you ever felt so spiritual, that you could see and hear a myriad of things from the spiritual realm. My father described me as having a delusion of being ' an institutor of spiritual things' or ' an arbitrator of spiritual things'. Best description is a kind of spiritual schizophrenia, psychic attack or a form of spiritual malaise.By Julie Ralphs
But it was really true, I could hear Beloved Jesus and demons and dearly departed saints like saint Theresa and I felt like I was channeling to famous celebrities.
But it was really true, I could hear Beloved Jesus and demons and dearly departed saints like saint Theresa and I felt like I was channeling to famous celebrities.
a birdie word in Spirit
My dear cherished best friend who regularly received a word from Jesus. She was Godmother to my child and said she is Godmother to me too. She sent me 'Everyday with Jesus' daily devotionals in handpainted cards. She wrote a supportive letter saying that I am a good mother too in spite of suffering from a mental illness when my brother was tragically murdered, after just giving birth.
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