I'm not sure why people who suffer from schizophrenia are often demonised and parodied. It is an illness with a spiritual side, and can be a spiritual illness. They often thought people who heard voices were demon possessed and they demonised anyone suffering from the illness. My cherished Christian friend who suffered from chronic schizophrenia, told me he heard legions of voices. My father tried to say that i suffered from a delusion of being ' an institutor of spiritual things' or ' an arbitrator of spiritual things', but no the truth was I could really hear things from the spiritual realm and also hear the good LORD Jesus too. I thought at one stage during the height of my illness, that there was some familiar spirits around me from a relatives sin of regularly consulting clairvoyents. I thought this was causing premonitions, spiritual dreams and psychic attack and claireaudience in me, I went to the Christian Healing Rooms in Brisbane and I asked them to pray for my beloved teacher from my convent college, who was my friend after college as she was dying of breast cancer, and I discussed that there could be some channeling in my dreams and it sempt like spirit- to spirit communication. So the church elders prayed for my Teacher and friend and me. I had prayed a week before going about my sick womb, but did not mention it as it had healed. The church elders prayed and cut soul ties in all my relationships and low and behold, the church elder said Jesus is speaking to her and He told her to tell me ' Tell her, (Julie Ralphs)-" your womb and all its tendrils are healed". So awesome to hear from God. Dear LORD, help me spread your fragrance, wherever, I may go!
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