Hearing spriritually
As a person who has suffered schizophrenia can tell you, they often hear voices, but mine was a kind of passivity phenomena. Mine was more of a spiritual schizophrenia, where channeling came to life. (Although, I don't consult psychics and I don't practice channeling myself. I have never done channeling, tarot cards, wiggi board or witchcraft as that is against my Christian faith and is of the occult). I would pensively think of somebody and felt like there was some spirit- to spirit communication happening. Of course my mother had unwisely consulted psychics and this is a sin and I told her it is against the church and she said she could read me 'like a book' and felt she was psychic, and often read me correctly, so maybe familiar spirits may have been around me because of her sin of consulting psychics and maybe I was under some form of psychic attack, whereby I felt sick with heightened intuition. I was sick because of my parent's sin. (Consulting psychics is said to be witchcraft in the Bible and forbidden by God and my parent would often curse me verbally with words too. I felt I could hear and see in the spiritual realm after my sibling died, and I suddenly heard my mother's voice in the tape of her verbal abuse. Although, I was mentally well before my brother passed away). Of course, psychics hear and see in the spiritual realm and so could Jesus. When Jesus healed the demon possessed man, he cast out the demons into some swine herd/ pigs and all the townsfolk heard the demons shreak and talk back in the spiritual realm.Often schizophrenics used to be said to be demon possessed, maybe as they could hear as did Jesus in the spiritual realm. Jesus talked to His Father i heaven in prayer and He heard His father. I have prayed and talked to Jesus and He has answered my prayers with several words of knowledge to the church elders to tell me at the Christian Healing Rooms. I have heard Jesus speak to me spiritually as well.........
There was a Christian Pastor and his wife that I met and they talked and ministered to me. They had been missionaries in Africa ministering to and converting witch doctors to Christians. They shared with me that they had met on a dream. The good Lord had showed the Pastor on a dream vision, where to meet his wife at a a cafe at the University campus. On his way home he later was told to buy a watch with the name Rebecca engraved in it from the Duty Free shop. They ministered to me as I said there was some channeling with words coming true on my dreams/ thoughts. I told them I believe I had familiar spirits around/ about me from my mother's sin of consulting clairevoyents. My mother was rather psychic and always told me she " read me like a book'. Because of their experience in converting and healing the witch doctors, the Pastor and his wife believed me about the channeling and my spiritual dreams and premonitions and the so called spiritual schizophrenia. They prayed over me.
On another note, there was an occult couple that had met on a dream. A dark Satanist LOrd had met his witch wife on a dream also I read.
Many years ago, I prayed to Beloved Jesus for a husband and then I saw a live dream- vision of a spiritual manifestation of my future Palestinian hubby and he saw me on dream vision to. We later both saw me dressed on dream as snow white with 7 dwarfs. I had always wished to meet my hubby on a dream after the confession of the Pastor at Christian Outreach and it later came true and and I met my hubby on a dream. A true story By Julie

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