Wednesday, 25 September 2013

not against flesh and blood but the principalities of dark kingdom

Hello Julie with the beautiful smile and heart that follows after God,

I’m sorry we missed you at the Healing Rooms today, but a team did pray for you and your concerns.

I have read the correspondence that you have sent me.

My comment is once again that we do not fight this battle on this human level, but use our spiritual weapons, which are prayer, praise, and declaring the truth of what God says.

As 2 Corinthians 10:4, 5 says, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strong holds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” We have really mighty weapons, and God gives us the victory.

2 Chronicles 20 is one of my favourite chapters in the Bible. It describes a time when three armies came against the King of Judah. So the King went to God, and told Him the problem. God told him not to be afraid; “The battle is not yours but God’s” “You will not have to fight, only stand still and see what I will do.”

So the King sent worship singers in front on the army; and as they sang praises to God, the three armies fought each other, and every one was killed. All the army of Judah had to do was to gather up the spoil. They celebrated their victory in the valley of Beracah.

So I would say, hand it all over to God again, thank Him that He knows what He is doing (It is His battle,) and continue to praise and worship Him. Trust Him and leave it to Him to handle every situation.

With much love and many blessings



  1. Awesome Sister, I am homwardbound from CC and also have a blog if you like to check it out

    1. Thank u my dear beloved brother for your kind words. I'd love to read your blog, hugs and blessings, Julie
