Moreover, in the dream we later saw me as snow white and I started to move/ spin around and around like a cyclone in the dark spiritual realm. What does this spinning of snow white mean pretty please? I know I would ruminate on my psychic mother's verbal and emotional abuse over and over/ around and around in my head. ''Like a squirrel on a treadmill getting nowhere, fast.'' Could it be madness from her wicked word curses, as after my brother was murdered and my baby born at 26, I ruminated on my mother's bad and sad words and suddenly heard her words in her voice in my thoughts like an auditory hallucination ? Maybe it does symbolise madness like Daniel who foretold the Babylonian king's 7 years of madness. in his dream. Then, I saw the colourful 7 dwarfs around me in the dark spiritual realm. What is the significance of the 7 colourful dwarfs please?
I prayed to beloved Jesus for a husband, and then saw in a ' spiritual manifestation' my future hubby on a dream vision. In the dream where I met my dream lover and future hubby, a year before we met, I was dressed as snow white with the colourful 7 dwarfs around me in the dark spiritual realm. My face (just like the one with my dark hair up, in this blessed photo of me in gold bevelled mirror after I had prayed to Mother Mary in 2005, attachéd), was on Snow White's costume then later I began spinning very fast around and around in the black realm. The Pharoah of Egypt had a dream about the 7 ears of corn and seven skinny and fat cows. Mine, was a modern day one, with me dressed as snow white and the 7 dwarfs. Notice the number 7 in dream significance.
Moreover, ''throughout history we have sought to fathom the meanings of our dreams, searching them for insights into our present lives and for predictions of our future.''The Israelite Prophet Daniel correctly interpreted one of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar's dreams as predicting the Monarch's imminent 7 years of madness (Daniel 4: 535). Another Israelite Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt, rose to a position of power by correctly interpreting pharaoh's dream foretelling (7)seven plentiful and (7)seven lean years in the ancient kingdom (Genesis 41: 138). "The Language of Dreams"- A Visual Key to Dreams and Their Meanings.'' By David Fontana.
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