Thursday, 28 June 2012

Hello Julie,
Thank you for your email, and I appreciate your desire to serve God in some way. God will honour that. I will pass on your request to Gwen, and will see her on Friday, so may have more to tell you after that.
Yes Bruce is a good friend and has such a great heart for the Lord. God uses him to bless many. I am sorry that you feel the church is letting you down. But truth to tell, people will let you down at some time or another, regardless of whether they are in a church or not. The Only Perfect One Whom we can perfectly trust always is Jesus Himself, Who has promised to never leave us or forsake us. He is there for us always.
There are other people in the church like B.......who do help others in their own quiet ways. We just don’t always know about it. For example tonight I heard of one young man, who walks around the streets. When he sees someone who looks like they don’t have anywhere to sleep or are down and out, he asks them if they have had a meal lately; then he gives them some money to buy food. That is his own quiet way to help. He has been in that situation himself so knows what it is like to be hungry and homeless.
We look at faces, but we don’t really know peoples’ stories, or what is going on in their lives.
Bless you Julie for your heart of gold and desire to serve God. May you and ...... both know His peace and joy, and find in Him everything that you need,
Have you heard anything more about .........?  I pray God will send someone his way to tell him of the Father’s love for him, that he will come to know Jesus as His Saviour and Lord, while there is still time.

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