Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Beloved Jesus gave a second word of knowledge to Cal, the Director of the Healing Rooms, husband in late 2011. On 09.03.'12, Marion, the Director of the Healing Rooms was told a word of knowledge to tell me ' 'Keep Jesus as centre focus'. In place of worries, faith in Him.

Moreover, on 30.03'12, i prayed to beloved Jesus, telling Him I was at the Healing Rooms and i asked if He could give another ' word of knowledge' for me.. Jesus told church elder to tell me ....Jesus said ' Tell her, I am the overcomer of all your problems. Tell her, if she walks with me, I will overcome- with her'. Dear LORD, help me spread your fragrance, wherever, I may go!

I realised I was reading the lovely little scripture on the cover of my March/ April '12 edition of my ' Everyday with Jesus' daily devotional, sent to me in handpainted cards from my best friend Amber Rose from Mt Tamborine. On the cover was a stormy sea picture setting, entitled " Stormbreaker", with the words of Jesus printed " In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world". John 16:13

I prayed and talked to Jesus before telling him this little beautiful scripture. Jesus must've heard me tell him the scripture. As Jesus told the church elder at the Healing Rooms later, when i prayed and told Him i was there, and asked for another ' word of knowledge', He told church elder to give me a ' Word of God/ knowledge. Dated on Friday 30.03.12, Jesus said, ' Tell her (me) I am the overcomer of all your problems. Tell her, if she walks with me, I will overcome- with her.

The Healing Rooms told me the scripture with relevance ' The joy of the Lord is my strength'. Nehemiah 8:5

Interestingly, beloved Jesus used the word 'overcome' in the word of knowledge given to me by church elder. In John 5:4, it says in holy scripture of the Bible, that we are ' world overcomers'.

Moreover, in Revelation 3:21-22, Jesus says' To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'

A photo of Julie Ralphs 2005...like a blessed Mary .....lol
Incredible rewards are promised to the overcomer. Therefore, let us be like Paul, and ' press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me (Philipians 3:12).

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