God condemns fortune telling as being of the devil. The devil counterfeits God's gifts and would make fortune telling seem like the word of knowledge, but there is a ...
This gift cannot be fortune telling because God's word
condemns fortune telling as being of the devil. The devil
counterfeits God's gifts and
would make
fortune telling seem like the word of knowledge, but there is a
If a fortune teller knows
anything at all supernaturally, you can be sure that it is not the
supernatural Spirit of God that gives him that
knowledge. The devil uses fortune tellers
tell you something that will worry you and break up your home, break your
break your finances, and mess up your
future, but God, by the word of knowledge, is
generally trying to build His people up in these areas.
NOT SIMPLY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT GOD - This gift is not a knowledge of God,
or of God's Word (although those are good and
necessary things). Those come by
hearing, studying, and experience. For instance, Eli, the priest had vast
knowledge of God and His Word through experience;
but the child Samuel, who had
neither, was
given a Word direct from the throne of God by the Holy Spirit. Eli had
come to the place where he had no open vision (1Sam
3:7, 11-14).
DEFINITION - The spiritual gift of the WORD OF KNOWLEDGE is the bestowal
of certain facts from the mind of God which He sees
fit to reveal to one of His servants
supernaturally by His Spirit. It is only a word, or a
portion of God's endless storehouse
1. SAMUEL We find
examples of the word of knowledge throughout the O.T. In
1 Samuel 9 and 10 we see at least 2 dozen things that the Lord
showed the prophet
SAMUEL through the word of
knowledge. Samuel told Saul all that was in his heart.
He told him many things about himself. Samuel knew that Saul
was hunting his asses;
that they had been
lost three days; that they had already been found; that Saul's father
had left home worrying about him; that Saul had been
chosen of the Lord to reign over
His people;
that he should anoint Saul king; that Saul would save the people out of
hands of the Philistines; the time of day
that he was going to meet Saul; that Saul would
meet two men just after he left to go on his way; that the two
men would speak to Saul;
that Saul would meet
three men as he went up to Bethel; that one of the three men
would be carrying three kids; that he would meet them at
Tabor; that one man would be
carrying three
loaves of bread; that another would be carrying a bottle of wine; that
would salute Saul; that they would give
Saul two loaves of bread; that Saul would come
to the hill of God; that he would come to the city; that he
would meet a company of
prophets; that these
prophets would be carrying musical instruments (namely a psaltery,
tabret, pipe, and harp); that the company of
prophets would prophesy; that the Spirit
the Lord would come upon Saul; that Saul would prophesy with them; and that
would be turned into another man. All of
this was revealed to the prophet Samuel by
2. ANANIAS - The gift of
the WORD OF KNOWLEDGE is also found in the N.T.
In Acts 9:11-16 the Lord speaks to ANANIAS and tells him the
name of a man; the
exact house where the man
was staying; the name of the man who lived there; the name
of the street on which the house was located; the name of the
town which Paul was from;
that Paul was there
praying; that Paul was blind; that Ananias' name had already been
revealed to Paul; that Paul knew Ananias would lay
hands on him, pray for him to be
healed of
blindness, and pray for Paul to receive the Holy Spirit; that Paul (then named
was chosen by the Lord to suffer for
the Lord; and that Paul was called to have a ministry
to the Gentiles. The Bible says that God spoke to Ananias, but
the natural man is always
ready to discredit
such reports. Our carnal side always tries to explain away such things as
an illusion or say such things are the work of the
devil. The carnal mind is not subject to the
law of God. It is enmity against God (Rom 8:7). Nevertheless, when Ananias did
what he
was told by the Lord, he found it all
to be true.
3. PETER - In Acts 10:9-17, PETER
receives a WORD OF KNOWLEDGE while he was
on the house top praying. The Spirit of God showed him that three men were
him; that the Lord had sent them;
that God had granted salvation to the Gentiles; and that
all people were equal in God's sight. If Peter had gone to
school all his life, he couldn't
have learned
such knowledge from natural means. The all-knowing God gave this
knowledge to Peter and helped him get Cornelius
household saved.
Friday, 27 April 2012
Thursday, 26 April 2012
It is 27/04/2012, a week ago, after Gary from the Christian bookstore prayed for forgiveness from God of my sins, i looked at my sin and it no longer made me feel guilty, it was white washed. As in Isaiah 1:18.....Come now,l;et us reason together, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.''
Also another relevant scripture when the enemy tries to make you feel guilty, is 1 John 3:20-21"For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things..
Isaiah 44:22 ...( All your sin even in future is covered.
God is patient..He wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost ''2 Peter 3:9 CEV
So replace thoughts of yesterday's mistakes with scriptural promises about your future. Forget about those failures of the past! That's what God has done. (Hebrews 8:12)
The Bible says ' that God's mercies are new every morning. His mercy endureth forever.
Don't dwell on problems, don't look back. In place of worries, faith in Him.
Unforgiveness always keeps score, but love keeeps no records of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:5)
"I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and as a cloud, thy sins, return unto me, for I have redeemed thee" Isaiah 44:22
"Behold, for peace I had great bitterness, but thou hast in love to my soul (delivered it) from the pit of corruption, for thou has cast all my sins behind my back." Isaiah 38:17
Joyce Meyer
God forgives us over and over and continues loving us unconditionally.
Also another relevant scripture when the enemy tries to make you feel guilty, is 1 John 3:20-21"For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things..
Isaiah 44:22 ...( All your sin even in future is covered.
God is patient..He wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost ''2 Peter 3:9 CEV
So replace thoughts of yesterday's mistakes with scriptural promises about your future. Forget about those failures of the past! That's what God has done. (Hebrews 8:12)
The Bible says ' that God's mercies are new every morning. His mercy endureth forever.
Don't dwell on problems, don't look back. In place of worries, faith in Him.
Unforgiveness always keeps score, but love keeeps no records of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:5)
"I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and as a cloud, thy sins, return unto me, for I have redeemed thee" Isaiah 44:22
"Behold, for peace I had great bitterness, but thou hast in love to my soul (delivered it) from the pit of corruption, for thou has cast all my sins behind my back." Isaiah 38:17
Joyce Meyer
God forgives us over and over and continues loving us unconditionally.
Friday, 20 April 2012
I attended the Christian Healing Rooms today the 20th of April '12. Marion and Coral were the church elders in attendance. Beautiful Coral was told a "word of knowledge' by beloved Jesus to tell me. " Tell her, Jesus said (to tell me)" I am the overcomer of all your problems. Tell her, if she walks with me, I will overcome- with her." Marion and her husband Cal received a ' word of knowledge ' previously to tell me from beloved Jesus and Coral had the most recent word of knowledge with Wendy.
Whilst they were praying for my prayer requests they both received scriptural word from Father Jesus. Coral was told to tell me this word, when i asked them to pray for my loving Palestinian muslim hubby to have a relationship with God and find salvation in God. Jesus told dear Coral to tell me " I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me.' John 14:6.
But she told me not to say anything to hubby, the Lord will bring him to salvation at the right time.
Coral said if devil twigs something, shake off like water on a doggy. Beloved Jesus laughed and came through in Spirit and all laughed. Marion said the devil cannot read our thoughts but he can hear us talk.
Marion was told a word from scripture for me. "Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of the heart." Psalm 37:4. Marion said Jesus delights in me, and showed her a picture of a rose flower, a metaphor about me.
Pray to the LORD and He will give you a Comforter.
On sin:
Romans 8:1 " There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus."
I was correct in praying for Jesus to send His Angels to bless us and our home. Marion said.
Psalm 91:11, 12 on Angels.....
Romans 3:23 All have sinned.
Romans 6:23 The free gift in God is eternal life.
Coral said i have heard Word from Father Jesus too. He called me ' Daughter'. When i cried out to him in faith over repenting, Jesus spoke to my heart directly and told me " I am a good Christian". When i confessed my sins to the Christian bookstore owner Gary, he prayed for me , my sin was washed white, and i felt joyful in Spirit at gym, knew he had prayed for my sins and forgiveness and me. I asked him if he'd prayed for me, he replied "yes". In Isaiah, it tells us, 'Let me reason with you, your scarlet sins will be washed white.'
Coral told me ' I am in the Lamb's Book of Life.' Praise the Lord.
Saw a false Christ, grieving over an irrational thought when falling asleep, ignore and pray and quote sword of Spirit, word of God to devil as Jesus did. The enemy will remind you of a repented sin, he will tell you wrongly , you are 'a sinner', put doubt in your mind, condemn you, but there is forgiveness of confessed sins in Jesus and no condemnation in Jesus. Jesus will not convict you over and over with regards to a confessed sin, that is the enemy's work.
On Forgiveness.. John 3:16
Marion told me Father Jesus said ' I am like a rose.' He delights in me. I saw a rose blooming from heaven when walking home and praising Jesus, and i reminded my Lord both in prayer and when he was reading my thoughtlife. I keep praying and telling Jesus He has a fragrance. I pray, Dear Lord, help me spread your fragrance wherever, I may go!
I rejoiced in the Lord, singing songs of praise a year ago.. Then behold a primrose flower bloomed before thee in a vision from heaven. Petals unfolding.'' Hearts unfold as flowers before thee.'' God's soul is a beautiful flower, blooming in the garden He made. His fragrance He fills in the cups of flowers...A true vision By Julie Ralphs ........
A true vision I saw one day of a rose blooming in the sky. It was beloved Jesus, the rose of Sharon...2011.
I drove to the Healing Rooms today for prayer....on 04.04'12
They annointed my forehead with oil and prayed for me.
We discussed the word of knowledge I'd received last Friday.. I told them i thought the enemy was trying to steal my blessing and attack my faith, so we prayed and discussed how to use the Word of God, which is the sword and quote scripture to the Devil and he will flee. Ian and Margaret were the church elders present. I was told by Margaret that scripture says the Lord forgives all our sins. Even from blaspheming and a murderer can be forgiven. They also prayed for a blessing for me and for my future and prayed I had spiritual eyes and ears to hear with......
Alan had prayed when i confessed my sin and he told me the scripture in Isaiah 1:18 "Let us reason together, .........scarlet sins become as white as snow. He confessed he almost said something to God when he was ill...And he is a lovely Christian with a depth of knowledge of scripture.
Ephesians 6:17 Commentary: The sword of the Spirit, is the Word of God. Speak the Word.
"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Proverbs 4:18 'The path of the Righteousness like the first gleam of dawn; shining even brighter till the full light of day. '....Figurative speech here, discusses how our faith is like the sun of the day, it's first gleam, then becoming brighter and brighter as our faith grows more and more in all our days. Ian
1John 1 vs. 9 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from unrighteousness.' Ian told me to learn off by heart.
Ian used an allegory about a little pot plant that should not just sit there, pot bound and dying, but should be planted in the garden to grow and bear more fruit. Others should pick off the fruit from the tree as a ' word of knowledge ' bears fruit and is given to others. Even if the word of God is a word of encouragement to somebody or baking a cake or getting a cup of tea for hubby.
Hebrews 12 vs. 2 " Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God..............and importantly verse 3. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.' '
Job 34 vs 21 ' His eyes are on the ways of men; He sees their every step.' The good Lord knows everything about u
Whilst they were praying for my prayer requests they both received scriptural word from Father Jesus. Coral was told to tell me this word, when i asked them to pray for my loving Palestinian muslim hubby to have a relationship with God and find salvation in God. Jesus told dear Coral to tell me " I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me.' John 14:6.
But she told me not to say anything to hubby, the Lord will bring him to salvation at the right time.
Coral said if devil twigs something, shake off like water on a doggy. Beloved Jesus laughed and came through in Spirit and all laughed. Marion said the devil cannot read our thoughts but he can hear us talk.
Marion was told a word from scripture for me. "Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of the heart." Psalm 37:4. Marion said Jesus delights in me, and showed her a picture of a rose flower, a metaphor about me.
Pray to the LORD and He will give you a Comforter.
On sin:
Romans 8:1 " There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus."
I was correct in praying for Jesus to send His Angels to bless us and our home. Marion said.
Psalm 91:11, 12 on Angels.....
Romans 3:23 All have sinned.
Romans 6:23 The free gift in God is eternal life.
Coral said i have heard Word from Father Jesus too. He called me ' Daughter'. When i cried out to him in faith over repenting, Jesus spoke to my heart directly and told me " I am a good Christian". When i confessed my sins to the Christian bookstore owner Gary, he prayed for me , my sin was washed white, and i felt joyful in Spirit at gym, knew he had prayed for my sins and forgiveness and me. I asked him if he'd prayed for me, he replied "yes". In Isaiah, it tells us, 'Let me reason with you, your scarlet sins will be washed white.'
Coral told me ' I am in the Lamb's Book of Life.' Praise the Lord.
Saw a false Christ, grieving over an irrational thought when falling asleep, ignore and pray and quote sword of Spirit, word of God to devil as Jesus did. The enemy will remind you of a repented sin, he will tell you wrongly , you are 'a sinner', put doubt in your mind, condemn you, but there is forgiveness of confessed sins in Jesus and no condemnation in Jesus. Jesus will not convict you over and over with regards to a confessed sin, that is the enemy's work.
On Forgiveness.. John 3:16
Marion told me Father Jesus said ' I am like a rose.' He delights in me. I saw a rose blooming from heaven when walking home and praising Jesus, and i reminded my Lord both in prayer and when he was reading my thoughtlife. I keep praying and telling Jesus He has a fragrance. I pray, Dear Lord, help me spread your fragrance wherever, I may go!
I rejoiced in the Lord, singing songs of praise a year ago.. Then behold a primrose flower bloomed before thee in a vision from heaven. Petals unfolding.'' Hearts unfold as flowers before thee.'' God's soul is a beautiful flower, blooming in the garden He made. His fragrance He fills in the cups of flowers...A true vision By Julie Ralphs ........
A true vision I saw one day of a rose blooming in the sky. It was beloved Jesus, the rose of Sharon...2011.
I drove to the Healing Rooms today for prayer....on 04.04'12
They annointed my forehead with oil and prayed for me.
We discussed the word of knowledge I'd received last Friday.. I told them i thought the enemy was trying to steal my blessing and attack my faith, so we prayed and discussed how to use the Word of God, which is the sword and quote scripture to the Devil and he will flee. Ian and Margaret were the church elders present. I was told by Margaret that scripture says the Lord forgives all our sins. Even from blaspheming and a murderer can be forgiven. They also prayed for a blessing for me and for my future and prayed I had spiritual eyes and ears to hear with......
Alan had prayed when i confessed my sin and he told me the scripture in Isaiah 1:18 "Let us reason together, .........scarlet sins become as white as snow. He confessed he almost said something to God when he was ill...And he is a lovely Christian with a depth of knowledge of scripture.
Ephesians 6:17 Commentary: The sword of the Spirit, is the Word of God. Speak the Word.
"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Proverbs 4:18 'The path of the Righteousness like the first gleam of dawn; shining even brighter till the full light of day. '....Figurative speech here, discusses how our faith is like the sun of the day, it's first gleam, then becoming brighter and brighter as our faith grows more and more in all our days. Ian
1John 1 vs. 9 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from unrighteousness.' Ian told me to learn off by heart.
Ian used an allegory about a little pot plant that should not just sit there, pot bound and dying, but should be planted in the garden to grow and bear more fruit. Others should pick off the fruit from the tree as a ' word of knowledge ' bears fruit and is given to others. Even if the word of God is a word of encouragement to somebody or baking a cake or getting a cup of tea for hubby.
Hebrews 12 vs. 2 " Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God..............and importantly verse 3. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.' '
Job 34 vs 21 ' His eyes are on the ways of men; He sees their every step.' The good Lord knows everything about u
Saturday, 14 April 2012
A fourth word of knowledge from beloved Jesus to church elder for me
I realised I was reading the lovely little scripture on the cover of my March/
April '12 edition of my ' Everyday with Jesus' daily devotional, sent to me in
handpainted cards from my best friend Amber Rose from Mt Tamborine. On the cover
was a stormy sea picture setting, entitled " Stormbreaker", with the words of
Jesus printed " In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have
overcome the world". John 16:13
I prayed and talked to Jesus before telling him this little beautiful scripture. Jesus must've heard me tell him the scripture. As Jesus told the church elder at the Healing Rooms later, when i prayed and told Him i was there, and asked for another ' word of knowledge', He told church elder to give me a ' Word of God/ knowledge. Jesus said, ' Tell her (me) I am the overcomer of all your problems. Tell her, if she walks with me, I will overcome- with her.
Interestingly, beloved Jesus used the word 'overcome' in the word of knowledge given to me by church elder. In John 5:4, it says in holy scripture of the Bible, that we are ' world overcomers'.
Moreover, in Revelation 3:21-22, Jesus says' To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'
Incredible rewards are promised to the overcomer. Therefore, let us be like Paul, and ' press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me (Philipians 3:12).
I prayed and talked to Jesus before telling him this little beautiful scripture. Jesus must've heard me tell him the scripture. As Jesus told the church elder at the Healing Rooms later, when i prayed and told Him i was there, and asked for another ' word of knowledge', He told church elder to give me a ' Word of God/ knowledge. Jesus said, ' Tell her (me) I am the overcomer of all your problems. Tell her, if she walks with me, I will overcome- with her.
Interestingly, beloved Jesus used the word 'overcome' in the word of knowledge given to me by church elder. In John 5:4, it says in holy scripture of the Bible, that we are ' world overcomers'.
Moreover, in Revelation 3:21-22, Jesus says' To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'
Incredible rewards are promised to the overcomer. Therefore, let us be like Paul, and ' press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me (Philipians 3:12).
My prose and writing
Fanny as a nu-Bronte,reads her ‘Sence and Sensibility’
By Julie Ralphs....... @copyright
By Julie Ralphs....... @copyright
In the sitting room, Fanny sobs as she is read as a classical novelette by Natalie. A nu-Bronte in ‘ Sence and Sensibility’, in the NEXT ROOM at the Grange. Fanny’s fluffy compendium is left on the drawing table. The diary opens a window to another worldly portrait of her as a modern day heroine and not a sketch of a lady of English middle class life as penned in the eighteenth century.
Its leafs are filled with the sweetness of countenance and her little love petal notelets that are tied together in a soft lace. In her own private language- sweet pony prayers that belong to the language of the soul. A canvas sketches her, where she sits there as though painted there. Her black hair disposed in glossy ringlets falls softly about her visage.
There are quiet conversations but it is only in the opening chapter of Jane Austen’s book. Dining at Thrushcross Lodge are the Middletons, the analogy is taken indoors. Fanny puts away her needlework, as her Gentleman caller arrives. Holding out a hand in a long primrose- coloured glove, there is a sweet but serious kiss. And with a playful tone in her words, ‘ Must I pour out his tea, Papa’. Papa was impressed with her voice, look and air. He smiled upon her,’My dear Fanny’. A tray was brought of old Worcester porcelain. The bourgeois cosiness and domesticity revisited.
Among the lace in the bosom of her silk dress. Edward’s picture was in a tiny locket about her neck. Fanny sits down to the pianoforte and plays something appropriate to love’s young dream, love’s ephemerioe. He stood beside her in a cream waistcoat with gold and onyx buttons and took up his glasses, a little book of her nature poems in hand, came to life in her soft lyrics.
Aunt Anne looked up from her Romantic novel in her velvet chair. She read the maniloquent words in the pages of her life. Her cameo ring, reminded her so much of her mistress. Fanny’s portrait next to the still-life’s seemed to stare back in astonishment. A soft and tender smile seemed to come through the ether like the warmth and perfume of a flower. The fictional young lady is re-invented by an authoress to be the heroine of something other than just her own life.
Her hands gloved in French grey, were crossed one over the other. She blushed a smile so sweetly kind. Edward interrupted the reverie. ‘ There is a painting in her face’ he writes. And then his eyes are fixed upon an old sepia photograph in a gilded frame on the dresser of the drawing room.
The wrought –iron gate, opens to Edward’s thought of an
erotic plate of his mistress in a lacey frock swinging in a garden seat, sat on
the mantelpiece. She comes to life. With her black ringlets streaming in the
light summer breeze in sepia. Edward had slipped a notelet and key into the
seam of her petticoat. The flowers of the ephemeral sewn into her panties. A
book of homilies in her hand, and a pony read of Fanny Hill.
The notelet she unfolds and reads. It opens and the words
constitute courtship. His letters are enclosing her diary. She walks down the
path of the grove down to a secret garden.
He sees her, his mistress and governess in spirit at the Rector’s
garden. They meet in secret and walk through to the grove. He meets her with a
love letter in a dream.
There Fanny lies on the grass with the letters, and Edward makes her a bracelet out of the pink and white daisies. She reads to him the notelet and some nature verse from a little book by Emily Dickinson. In her lap, lies Edward and a soft embroidery of the Manor and the Estate.
There Fanny lies on the grass with the letters, and Edward makes her a bracelet out of the pink and white daisies. She reads to him the notelet and some nature verse from a little book by Emily Dickinson. In her lap, lies Edward and a soft embroidery of the Manor and the Estate.
Under the shady boughs and the pink laburnum and lengthening vistas, sits the realm Seamstress on the garden seat with her sketches of her, and Edward’s letters are tied in a religious lace in the pages of her diary as a kind of narrative coverture.
Her secret drawings in the journal and its yellowing
leaves fall on the parchment beneath the old oak tree. Fanny is seen by Edward peering into the fishpond with the water
nymphs by the fountain and the impatiens. Edward is combing her hair with a
jeweled comb.
' As the hart panteth after
the water brooks,
so panteth my soul after thee O'God.' Psalm 42:1
As the little fawn pants for the water brooks, I receive into my spirit faith that bears a flower and a life full of joy, peace, love, kindness and all the fruits of His nature. The little blue and crimson finch sings in the boughs. His sweet conversation to the deer as he pants at the water brooks, refreshing his spirit. His gentle eyes take in the hues of the Chapel-like forest. In a hidden Sanctuary between the trees. The leaves of friendship fall about their timid love, and the flowers, He fills their cups with a fragrance in the grove.
so panteth my soul after thee O'God.' Psalm 42:1
As the little fawn pants for the water brooks, I receive into my spirit faith that bears a flower and a life full of joy, peace, love, kindness and all the fruits of His nature. The little blue and crimson finch sings in the boughs. His sweet conversation to the deer as he pants at the water brooks, refreshing his spirit. His gentle eyes take in the hues of the Chapel-like forest. In a hidden Sanctuary between the trees. The leaves of friendship fall about their timid love, and the flowers, He fills their cups with a fragrance in the grove.
A little butterfly with gossamer wings in a poetic dance of joy frolicks on the unfurling petals of a pink virgin rose. The little fawn sniffs delicately and she settles on it. ' By Julie Ralphs
A squirrel friend gathers nuts and
berries, and a cotton tailed bunny rabbit, in the wet dew of the grass,
tramples on a melancholic flower, eating the dandelion leaves and its
flower. Its ears prick up as it hears the
thumpings through the forest of the little deer. They meet and acquaint themselves with each
other and the other forest animals. The little fawn looks at himself in the
reflection of the pond, where the water lillies grow and e frogs jump from a
lillypad. An orchestra of bird song,
birds singing in chorus. They gaze at each other, then at the reflection in the
babbling brook.
The Father has clothed the grasses and
wildflowers about the brook. He has painted nuance and shade under the gum
trees and soft blue hues and cotton clouds with brushstrokes to the skies with
His palette.
This is a sweet allegory that discusses the fruit of the Holy Spirit, Galatians 5: 22-23. THe fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, faith, meekness, temperance, and the nature of Bambi deer.
The wrought-iron gate swung open, Father and I walk along
the path up to the Rectory. A blue wren sings a sibilant note in the branches
above. A book of homilies in my hand as My
Father Jesus reads to me a verse. I read
His love for me in every chapter of my Holy book. As I read to Him His living Word in the
verses of my Bible, my Father reads me. I
read His love for me in every chapter of my life. His gaze is loving and His countenance looks upon me. His words are soft and maniloquent and He speaks
to my heart like a Romantic author and poet.
He writes pages to me on our walk along the path and I hear His Word as promises…. to me in a love letter in Spirit. The
birds sing songs of praise as I read His love letter to me as poetry and fidelity in Spirit. A love letter in Spirit, He tells me that He
delights in me and that I am a sweet rose in bloom. Like
the velvety red roses in the cultivated garden and like the climbing rose on
the wall of the Parsonage. By Julie nee. Ralphs
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Notes from the Healing Rooms church elders for me on 11.04.2012
Julie ' Keep your eyes on God. Focus on Him, walk with Him.'
(Nothing can seperate you (not even sin) from God).
His love abounds for you. A word for me from Wendy, church elder.
Always on the right side of God, even when you've done something wrong.
-Give praise and thanks to God- Psalm 1- pray the words that are written in the Word.
- God lives inside of you (even when you sin) and never leaves or forsakes you.
Church elder got a picture from God: Jesus holding your hand and walking with you along a path. Every so often He'd stop and turn off and show you a picturesque spot. Is this a word of knowledge, as a picture or impression from the Lord, or a vision, but can be taken as confirmation that Jesus walks with you. As a background to elder's vision, years, ago i saw myself in 2005, when my Mary like photo in mirror was taken, as walking with Jesus in my daydreams and followers beside us and behind us. Later i saw flowers added in my mind, walking along with beloved Jesus with flowers in fields and a meadow... That's when i added maideninflowerymeadows to my handle.
Another church elder gave a picture from God to tell me: Julie was bouncing along ad skipping with Jesus, as a little girl and a lambsy....I always prayed and called Jesus lovingly as my 'Lambsy' and told Him that He has and saw with Him in vision, lambsies in His arms and skipping happily beside Him.
God is not worried about your past. He's working with you towards your future. (Don't look at the past unless God brings it up). Jesus overcame and you are overcome with Jesus.
Jesus loved you even when you were a sinner. Everything that you need is in Jesus.
* Get to know Jesus (the enemy is defeated) Take authority over the enemy...* Thank you, you are with me." Notes from church elder at Healing Rooms to Julie Ralphs.....
Beloved Jesus gave a second word of knowledge to Cal, the Director of the Healing Rooms, husband in late 2011. On 09.03.'12, Marion, the Director of the Healing Rooms was told a word of knowledge to tell me ' 'Keep Jesus as centre focus'. In place of worries, faith in Him.
Moreover, on 30.03'12, i prayed to beloved Jesus, telling Him I was at the Healing Rooms and i asked if He could give another ' word of knowledge' for me.. Jesus told church elder to tell me ....Jesus said ' Tell her, I am the overcomer of all your problems. Tell her, if she walks with me, I will overcome- with her'. Dear LORD, help me spread your fragrance, wherever, I may go!
Moreover, on 30.03'12, i prayed to beloved Jesus, telling Him I was at the Healing Rooms and i asked if He could give another ' word of knowledge' for me.. Jesus told church elder to tell me ....Jesus said ' Tell her, I am the overcomer of all your problems. Tell her, if she walks with me, I will overcome- with her'. Dear LORD, help me spread your fragrance, wherever, I may go!
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Talking to Jesus
In 2005, I received a poem by Trent Reznor and e-mails, after praying to beloved Jesus, that he would reply to my e-mail communiques. Herewith attached, a copy of Trent's e-mail(s) to me.
After praying to beloved Mother Mary for some spiritual evidence of some channeling in my dreams from my mother's sin of consulting clairvoyents .....the above image of trent reznor, fat with a witchy nose came onto my computer and i saved it .....
The Father Jesus had given the Church lady 'at the Brisbane Healing Rooms a word of knowledge' for me in May 2003. ( After my healing from type 1 diabetes and blindness). I think it's awesome that after praying a week and using gesticulation in my prayer to my Father Jesus about my sick womb, that he heard my prayers and told the Church elder lady at the Bne Healing Rooms, a 'word of knowledge' to tell me. My Father Jesus told her to tell me 'your womb and all its tendrils are healed'. I think about his beloved words everyday, and it strengthens my faith.
I was thinking about the figurative language my Dear Father Jesus uses in his spoken words. The word ' tendrils' are just like roots that are firmly fixed to the earth by their tendrils. O Tendril whose Bud shall not wilt! ..It is very beautiful language that my beloved Father Jesus used to tell the lady for me. Often the fruit of thy womb Jesus is used with reference to Mother Mary and baby Jesus.
Observe, the word ' tendril' that Our Father Jesus uses. Significantly, an analogy would be a tendril of a root of a vine or plant bound to the earth. Jesus is the life of the vine - His disciples the tendrils that will become fruitful branches, becoming ever more incorporated into the Vine.
In the discourse, as the psalm, The Father is the Gardener, and he prunes fruit-bearing branches, in order to make them MORE fruitful.
The "word of knowledge" verse by my Father Jesus to the Church Elder lady alludes figuratively to the uterus just like roots that are firmly fixed to the earth by their tendrils. ... While referring to the tendrils in the mother's womb, ...
`'and we must note that the Scriptures reflect that the word "Father" whose spiritual tendrils are still very active today throughout our world in ... that He constructed Himself,wove it together inside of Mary's womb to be .... many passages and stories in the Bible,including their inner sense'.....
And it is Love being felt and flowing within our inner selfhood that does several great things: it creates a warm, lush seedbed within our minds wherein the external truths of life and religion may take root and grow; it enables us to BE spiritually connected with the Lord God (like a branch on a vine), as opposed to being consciously separated from the Lord (like being at arms length with our Creator); and this is a major biggie too!, love that is moving and warming us from deep inside actually opens our minds toward God's Word, especially toward the vital inner meaning flowing inside of the more obvious literal sense; and finally, it is love (instead of truth) that empowers us to fight against the many vicious attacks from the hells that want us to turn and move their way, away from what is good and true.
I have had a second and third and fourth ' word of knowledge' told to me by church elder by beloved Jesus to tell me at the local Healing Rooms, years later in 2011 and 2012. Praise Jesus! ..I thanked beloved Jesus and prayed 'Dear LORD, help me spread your fragrance, wherever, I may go! By Julie Ralphs
Like Timothy, in Biblical times, God certainly cared for him with his frequent illness, and he has healed all of my infirmities as well, a miracle healing of my womb and type 1 diabetes in...2003
In 2003, i was admitted to hospital with the life threatening ketoacidosis. I had no diabetes before this, and no diabetes in my family, but the medication i was taking gave me type 1 drug-induced diabetes as a side effect, after taking it for 6 months. In hospital, my bgl blood sugar reading was 35 and 50, the highest blood sugar reading in years. The average bgl blood sugar is between 3.5 - 8.0 bgl....20 bgl blood sugar reading is coma level...
Some clinical notes:
Originally, a high dose of insulin was administered intravenously with the drip, as I was admitted in a hyperglycaemic-hyperosmolar state. My blood sugar was extremely high (50 mmol/L). Urine tests indicated the presence of sugar and ketones. Hence, the diagnosis was ketoacidosis. My condition was carefully monitored. However, the treating Doctor ordered an insulin change as my B.S.L was not responding to the initial type of insulin treatment. 44 units of Protophane, a long acting insulin and 8 units of actrapid, a short-lasting insulin, was administered at Pre- Breakfast and Pre- Dinner. In addition, supplementary doses were ordered by my Doctor, as my fasting B.G.L. (blood glucose level) value was elevated at 22mmol/L prior to bedtime. For approximately 7 days, my B.S.L. remained high and unstable. These levels were recorded for the duration of my stay at Hospita;.
Upon discharge, my readings were still high, and although unstable my levels started to improve significantly. Approximately, every 2-3 days, i consulted my Diabetic Educator. My results were reviewed on my level of activity, illness, diet changes, time of hypos (noting blood glucose and treatment). I obtained authority to adjust my insulin dosage.
My progress has been remarkable. The results were very encouraging. My readings speak for themselves. Praise Jesus for healing me of type 1 diabetes.....
A laser copy of a watercolour painting of St George's Anglican chapel by Amber Mailer....I was prayed for by Amber Rose Mailer and the parish prayer team, that pray for the sick and dying in the world..
God told me that i would have no diabetes after 3 mths. The doctors stopped my medication and after 3 months i was healed of drug induced type 1 diabetes and blindness. I came off a very high doseage of insulin. Thanks a bunch of roses for my faith and the loving prayers of Amber Rose and the church. The Specialist at the hospital said i would have diabetes for the rest of my life. A miracle to Jesus....Praise the Lord for this miraculous healing........Here, is some medical evidence of my remission of type 1 diabetes and healing by beloved Jesus. Dear Lord, help me spread your fragrance, wherever, i may go!
A photo of julie Ralphs in the mirror in 2005

A couple of years later i had no diabetes after having type 1 diabetes and in a complete remission of type 1 diabetes, but a couple of years later, a second drug gave me drug induced type 2 diabetes in 2007, my black Gospel church prayed, and i went into a complete remission of type 2 diabetes. A second miracle healing. Praise Jesus. I had no diabetes again for 2 years, then another medication gave me type 2 diabetes a second time in 2008.. I am currently type 2 drug induced diabetic....By Julie Ralphs
As a background to things, I studied at Ipswich Gir's Grammar School in 1984 and then I was taught by nuns at St. Brigidine's Convent college in 1985-1989. I was accepted into the University of Queensland in 1989 after metriculation and graduation. Herewith attached, academic certificates for scholastic achievement and my references.
Some clinical notes:
Originally, a high dose of insulin was administered intravenously with the drip, as I was admitted in a hyperglycaemic-hyperosmolar state. My blood sugar was extremely high (50 mmol/L). Urine tests indicated the presence of sugar and ketones. Hence, the diagnosis was ketoacidosis. My condition was carefully monitored. However, the treating Doctor ordered an insulin change as my B.S.L was not responding to the initial type of insulin treatment. 44 units of Protophane, a long acting insulin and 8 units of actrapid, a short-lasting insulin, was administered at Pre- Breakfast and Pre- Dinner. In addition, supplementary doses were ordered by my Doctor, as my fasting B.G.L. (blood glucose level) value was elevated at 22mmol/L prior to bedtime. For approximately 7 days, my B.S.L. remained high and unstable. These levels were recorded for the duration of my stay at Hospita;.
Upon discharge, my readings were still high, and although unstable my levels started to improve significantly. Approximately, every 2-3 days, i consulted my Diabetic Educator. My results were reviewed on my level of activity, illness, diet changes, time of hypos (noting blood glucose and treatment). I obtained authority to adjust my insulin dosage.
My progress has been remarkable. The results were very encouraging. My readings speak for themselves. Praise Jesus for healing me of type 1 diabetes.....
A laser copy of a watercolour painting of St George's Anglican chapel by Amber Mailer....I was prayed for by Amber Rose Mailer and the parish prayer team, that pray for the sick and dying in the world..
God told me that i would have no diabetes after 3 mths. The doctors stopped my medication and after 3 months i was healed of drug induced type 1 diabetes and blindness. I came off a very high doseage of insulin. Thanks a bunch of roses for my faith and the loving prayers of Amber Rose and the church. The Specialist at the hospital said i would have diabetes for the rest of my life. A miracle to Jesus....Praise the Lord for this miraculous healing........Here, is some medical evidence of my remission of type 1 diabetes and healing by beloved Jesus. Dear Lord, help me spread your fragrance, wherever, i may go!
A couple of years later i had no diabetes after having type 1 diabetes and in a complete remission of type 1 diabetes, but a couple of years later, a second drug gave me drug induced type 2 diabetes in 2007, my black Gospel church prayed, and i went into a complete remission of type 2 diabetes. A second miracle healing. Praise Jesus. I had no diabetes again for 2 years, then another medication gave me type 2 diabetes a second time in 2008.. I am currently type 2 drug induced diabetic....By Julie Ralphs
As a background to things, I studied at Ipswich Gir's Grammar School in 1984 and then I was taught by nuns at St. Brigidine's Convent college in 1985-1989. I was accepted into the University of Queensland in 1989 after metriculation and graduation. Herewith attached, academic certificates for scholastic achievement and my references.
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