Dear Julie, So sad for you to be losing your good friend Amber Rose, but at least we do not grieve as those who have no hope – You can rejoice that Amber knows Jesus, and you can also know that Amber will be rejoicing in the Presence of Her Beloved Jesus, and there will be a great party going on – and one day It will be your turn too to also meet Jesus and be having a party of your own with Jesus and all those who have gone before you.
With much love and blessings
.........My beloved Director friend of my local (Christian) Healing Rooms.
With much love and blessings
.........My beloved Director friend of my local (Christian) Healing Rooms.
Amber told me that she believed I'd heard from Jesus, when I confided and told her Jesus' words to me ' that a man should always pray in secret for his wife'.In the Bible, it alludes to Jesus as the Bridegroom and the Believer and the church as the Bride of Christ. And Jesus will come for His Bride, the church, in the second coming.
My dear ..............., Amber's beloved Goddaughter and I are so comforted in knowing that Amber is happy sitting on the knee of Jesus on the throne of Heaven, whilst He tells her stories about her life and about her relatives. Moreover, Amber rests in her loving eternal home with Jesus and Father God in His many mansions, with a peace, love and joy that surpasses all understanding. To be called from the grave and tomb later, and resurrected when Beloved Jesus comes in the second coming. To live with Jesus in a paradise on earth, where the lamb lies down with the lion and Jesus reigns for thousands of years. There will be a new heaven made by Father God and a new earth.heart emoticon By Julie Ralphs