Wednesday, 29 April 2015

She opened the spiritual window to a picaresque scene at the small cottages and Rectory.  Her beloved priest Reverand Murray was reading his sermon to the congregation.  She saw this in a mental simultude and she hastened to get to church.  She walked up the winding road to the  Chapel from her mountain cottage. Her hymn book a book of homilies in her hand.  She prayed to Jesus as she was fighting her feelings of amour for her beloved Rector.  She was holding the hand of Jesus with a primrose glove and singing hymns, but she was clairaudiently hearing her priest beyond the veil. By Julie Ralphs 

Father Murray had finished his sermon in the chapel and was enjoying the serenity of the rose garden at the rectory when he heard her call.  She had roused some spiritual part of her priest’s psyche, by being receptive to the call. She could hear her ‘ inner voice’ speaking.  She had suspended ordinary ‘ discursive thought’ and amazingly his voice came through the spiritual realm, as though she had tuned into a different frequency, a two- way radio. By Julie Ralphs 

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Dear Marion asked the Lord for a Word for me and was given a picture at the Healing Rooms today ( 29.04.15):-

A hammock that turned into a cradle- Your heavenly Daddy is holding you like a little child.   jesus is rocking me as a baby girl in the cradle and as a baby I don't have to say the right words or do the right things, God is loving me.  Focus on the picture of Jesus' love for me as a baby girl, being rocked lovingly in the cradle.  Let myself be loved, practice thinking of this loving image.  You are loved.

I relinquished in prayer the care of Yaser to Jesus and thanked Jesus for what he is doing in Yaser's life.

John 17:20-24

John 15:9-10

Rebecca received a few scriptures from the Lord Jesus for me:

Song of Solomon 2:4
Isaiah 41:10

''I will never leave or forsake you.'''

Deut 31:6
Phil 4:6-8

Thank you my Beloved Jesus.

Much love and blessings, 


Monday, 27 April 2015

As it says in the book of James in scripture James 1:2 " My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials. " During this season of trial in my divorce from beloved dear Yas. I have been keeping my thoughts obedient to Christ and taking every thought captive in order to obey God and rebuking the bad words of the enemy and my mother in my head. As Marion taught me, when my mother or someone or the enemy says something bad to me, I am taught to not listen to anything that does not edify the Spirit and rather to view myself as God sees me. Because any condemnation from my mother or the enemy is a mental stronghold - to be cast down. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. 2 Corinthians 10:5 " Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought obedient to Christ." And we are blessed in knowing that condemnation only comes from the enemy and not Christ.'' ''There is no condemnation in Christ. for those who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit''. Romans 8:1.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

My beloved Christian friend Christopher Pender's comment to me-

" Renew your mind. Cleanse your heart of all anxiety, fear and pain and let the love of God take control of your emotions. 

Our most powerful weapon against the enemy is the love of God that Jesus Christ showed us.

Don't let the selfishness, bitterness and suffering of others bring you down. Count it all joy when people persecute you. Express the love of God when people persecute you. 

Expressing the love of God will uncover the veil the enemy has over your heart. It will make the hearts of those
- around you transparent and the wicked will flee.

Fight the pain and anxiety with love."