Friday, 27 February 2015

letter by Healing Rooms Director friend

Hello Princess Julie
Four of the team prayed for you tonight. We asked Father God to wrap you in His arms of love, that you would be very much aware of His Presence and His peace. One of the team told of a picture that she had been given for you some time ago. She was standing beside you, and you had your hands extended out and upwards in prayer. Suddenly gold coins dropped down from heaven into your hands, piling up until they formed a pyramid in each of your hands. This is the interpretation as we saw it. As you lift your hands in prayer and praise to God, He has an abundant provision for you, as much as you can hold, not just financially, but emotionally and spiritually as well. “The wealth of Egypt shall be yours”.
Another person saw you as being pushed out and ignored by those who have hurt you and rejected you, but even though you may feel yourself as small, God is wrapping His arms around you, protecting you, comforting you and keeping you from all harm.
We had a couple of scriptures for you. Psalm 27:10 “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.” Even though you may feel abandoned by your mother and by your husband, yet the Lord will take care of you. And He is able to do that far better than any other person ever could.
Hebrews 11:34. The chapter is speaking of people of faith, and in this verse, “…in their weaknesses were made strong…” So out of this battle Julie, where you are feeling weak, you will become strong in faith, stronger than you have ever been before; more sure of who God is for you, and who you can be in Him. We were reminded that with a storm coming, most birds will fly away to find cover, but the eagle will fly into the storm, because it knows that in the storm there is an updraft which will take it higher and higher. So too Julie, out of this storm, you will fly higher into the arms of your loving Father, Who will hold you close.
We also prayed for Yaser, that God would call him into the destiny that He has for him.
So we bless you with His Presence and His peace, in Jesus’ name,
With much love and many blessings

 julie Fawn in the meadows
Sent: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 10:18 PM
Subject: i know the lord loves me
What an evil relative i have, she just said to me in a letter ' Now you can feel sorry for yourself and tell people how you are unloved.'' She used to make me feel so sad and unloved, but now i know she is the one with the problem and not me' It's water off a duck's back now lol. i am no longer going to cry over her unloving, sad and bad words. As my Christian solicitor friend said, she is vicious.
Kind regards, 

Sunday, 8 February 2015

song about the good lord and a garden

Hello Princess Julie,
What a lovely garden. Looking at it, I was reminded of a favourite song we used to sing – you may know it?
“I come to the garden alone,
While the dew is still on the roses,
And the voice I hear within my ear,
The son of God discloses…
And He walks with me and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own,
And the joy we share as we tarry there
None other has ever known.”
May you spend many precious moments with Him in your garden,
With love and blessings


Hello Julie with the beautiful smile and heart that follows after God,
I’m sorry we missed you at the Healing Rooms today, but a team did pray for you and your concerns.
I have read the correspondence that you have sent me.
My comment is once again that we do not fight this battle on this human level, but use our spiritual weapons, which are prayer, praise, and declaring the truth of what God says.
As 2 Corinthians 10:4, 5 says, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strong holds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” We have really mighty weapons, and God gives us the victory.
2 Chronicles 20 is one of my favourite chapters in the Bible. It describes a time when three armies came against the King of Judah. So the King went to God, and told Him the problem. God told him not to be afraid; “The battle is not yours but God’s” “You will not have to fight, only stand still and see what I will do.”
So the King sent worship singers in front on the army; and as they sang praises to God, the three armies fought each other, and every one was killed. All the army of Judah had to do was to gather up the spoil. They celebrated their victory in the valley of Beracah.
So I would say, hand it all over to God again, thank Him that He knows what He is doing (It is His battle,) and continue to praise and worship Him. Trust Him and leave it to Him to handle every situation.

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