A word in season by my cherished friend Chris Pender- ''Do not be confused about forgiveness. Do not think that by forgiving someone that you are giving them a free pass to continue in there ways.
A word in season, by my good friend Chris. 'I get the impression some people refuse to forgive because they feel that bt holding on to feelings of hate and resentment that they are somehow punishing the person who has done them harm. Perhaps if I continue hating them they will know they have done wrong. Perhaps my hate, my distain, my anger and hate towards them will bring a curse on them and heap coals apon their head.
Or maybe if I forgive them they might repent and end up in heaven. I don't want them in heaven because they hurt me so bad.
The bible actually paints a different picture. it tells us to pray and forgive those who spitefully use us. This is not for their benefit but rather for our benefit. Forgiveness is a gift to us from God. When we forgive others it creates an avenue for us to release unrighteousness from our spirit. It releases the devil's influence over our physical, mental and spiritual infirmities. When we forgive it shows satan that we are not bound by him and nothing he does can bind us. Rather we are bound in righteousness to Christ Jesus.
On top of that it is in prayer of forgiveness and love towards those who use us that we heap coals apon their head. Your enemies will feed off your anger and frustration. When you are frustrated they are happy and at peace within themselves. They lift themselves up and are joyful.... If you really want someone who burnt you to suffer rhen show them love and pray for them. When you do this one of two things will happen!
Or maybe if I forgive them they might repent and end up in heaven. I don't want them in heaven because they hurt me so bad.
The bible actually paints a different picture. it tells us to pray and forgive those who spitefully use us. This is not for their benefit but rather for our benefit. Forgiveness is a gift to us from God. When we forgive others it creates an avenue for us to release unrighteousness from our spirit. It releases the devil's influence over our physical, mental and spiritual infirmities. When we forgive it shows satan that we are not bound by him and nothing he does can bind us. Rather we are bound in righteousness to Christ Jesus.
On top of that it is in prayer of forgiveness and love towards those who use us that we heap coals apon their head. Your enemies will feed off your anger and frustration. When you are frustrated they are happy and at peace within themselves. They lift themselves up and are joyful.... If you really want someone who burnt you to suffer rhen show them love and pray for them. When you do this one of two things will happen!
1. Your love and prayer will cause them to turn inside out. Confusion will set in that they will inevitably destroy themselves and be cast into the lake of fire.
2. They will become proud and pretend that your stupid and even try and take adavntage of you again to try and stop you praying (that means your prayers are working). so that your love wont reach them. If it does reach them they will be forced to deal with the problem and repent. If they dont repent then scenario 1 happens and you have a victory. If they do repent and give there life to Christ you have an even greater victory.
Either way love and forgiveness in Christ always land you with a victory'.