it is best to keep high principles and values, no matter who tries to touch you dear Chris
dear chris are u here. i think i always keep my high values and standards.
i believe i have high standards and have kept to my principles and values. some old friends wanted a relationship with me, i said forgive me but i'm in a relationship and i'm only looking for a platonic friendship.

Of course. We dont fight against flesh and blood but principalties and powers from the spiritual realms. So this shows us that maintaining godly principals is a fight or struggle. Its an internal struggle. We should hold ourself to high standards. Sometimes we let our guard down and do things that are below our standards. When this happens satan will try and hold you to that standard that you dropped to. Slowly and surely he will continue to pull us down. It is our responsibility to reject the devil and cause him to flee.

This why its so important to srudy the word daily. It teaches us what our standards should be. Not only that it helps us maintain those standards and strenthen them.
omg dear Pastor like Chris, thank u for elaborating here and for ur wise and earnest counsel. i have no family around and no mother, we are estranged due to an acrimonious relationship. Thank u for ur brotherly wisdom it means everything to me, hugs

The word of God changes us. It causes (even forces us) to grow and mature. When we run in to old friends and people we had relationships with they think and assume we are the same person as before. But the word has changed us. We no longer have the same standards, habits, thought patterns, beliefs, understandings etc. Infact as born again christians that old person has passed away and all things have become new. The evil one will try and use old friends to convince you to go back to your old patterns.

Dont doubt yourself sister. God has given you a spirit of love, power and a sound mind. I think you want to let certain people in your life because of love but something in your heart says its a bad idea. Always trust your heart, its called discernment and always works for tour good (protection).
omg u are sharing ur revelation from God as Beloved Jesus speaks to u. please i pray u understand if i share ur wisdom my beloved brother chris to enlighten the donkey friends of mine , hugs

You can still talk to people but if your feel anxious that is time to declare the word of God. Tell them the truth that Jesus taught. If they are genuine then you will win them to Christ. If they are false they will flee. Never feel bad about declaring the word of God and having people get offended.

The closer you get to God the further away you get from man. The devil flees from righteousness. No wicked person can stand righteousness. If you are close to God how can the unrighteous be close to you. Either they have to let go of their unrighteousness or they have to flee from you.
oh thank u kindly dear brother chris, u have the wisdom of a preacher, hugs. i am so grateful to u as i have no mother or father

Dont compromise. Never compromise.
Not for anyone. Not for your parants, not for your children, not for your partner or husband not for anyone. Pleasing God is our number one priority. Nothing is more important.
Not for anyone. Not for your parants, not for your children, not for your partner or husband not for anyone. Pleasing God is our number one priority. Nothing is more important.
yes dear chris, u are such a beloved son of beloved father God and Jesus. your ways are high in standard and u walk with Jesus in integrity i see this and so does the good Lord he tells me, hugs