Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Hi, can u tell me if relatives, close friends and lovers can find their way into our dreams or give our dreams expression, because of soul ties.? And if someone is dying and we are close to them, can they communicate by spirit with us? My ...... father may die soon, and it's as if I caught his spirit for a moment grieving and I started to cry, as we prayed for his salvation and healing. Thanks a bunch of roses, hugs.
dream interpretation reply;
People in our dreams are there for several reasons, one being that there is something about them that is showing up in us, or they have a particular reason for being there but, it is not because of soul ties but because they represent something.
The second question is not in my area of expertise, perhaps one of your pastors can help you with that, but it is possible that you just have a sensitive spirit to things in the spirit world. The only thing you can do is pray for him, perhaps God has put that in you to do, and that is what you felt.
Please Dearest Marion,
Can u answer this question aforementioned as well please.
Bless you dear Marion, hugs.
Kindest regards,

Hello Julie
First of all Julie, I am no expert on dreams or their interpretation. We can all dream about friends or loved ones; it doesn’t mean there are any ungodly soul ties.
Personally for myself, there have been times, when I have heard of some situation needing prayer, that I have had a deep feeling of grief. I believe it is Holy Spirit imprinting it on my heart to pray particularly for them. The Holy Spirit Himself prays with groans that cannot be uttered. (Romans 8:26) In your case, rather than any other spirit, I would think of it as Holy Spirit prompting you to pray for his salvation, because it is not His will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
Love and Blessings to you